Fetal Scan Centre
Fetal Scan Centre was established in 2016 with the primary objective of providing a one stop centre for Fetal Medicine and High-risk pregnancy. It is a medical clinic for pregnant women founded by Dr. T. P. Baskaran who is a gazetted Maternal Fetal Medicine subspecialist with more than 30 years in this field.
Though he focuses on pregnancy affected with an anomalous fetus or high-risk pregnancy, he also accepts patients with uncomplicated pregnancy who are keen for a premium antenatal assessment, fetal monitoring and delivery.
Premium Obstetric Care is Image Driven
From general screenings to specialised diagnostics, we are skilled and equipped with the advanced technology to deliver precise imaging and compassionate care with accurate results efficiently. A written report by our Maternal Fetal Medicine Consultant is provided at the end of each scan
Screen I Scan I Solutions
From uncovering potential risks to empowering informed decisions, we utilise cutting-edge technology to look into your genetic strains with precision and care.
Fetal and Maternal Care
Antenatal Care
We provide routine anatenatal for ‘low’ and ‘high’ risk pregnancy. Tailor made antenatal follow up for each patient including shared care with other government of private medical facility. All high-risk pregnancy on our obstetric antenatal care follow up have a 24/7 direct contact access our with MFM consultant.TWIN PREGNANCY: Specialized, individualized antenatal care follow up for twin, triplets and higher order pregnancies.
- Pre-Pregnancy Counselling & Genetic Screening
- Second Opinion on Pregnancies Diagnosed with an Anomalous Fetus
- Obstetric / Birth Plan for High-Risk Pregnancy
- Management of Women with Recurrent Miscarriages & Late Trimester Fetal Loss
- Specialised Imaging – Fetal MRI, Fetal Echo, First Trimester Detail Scan, Fetal Neurosonogram
- Invasive Fetal Testing & Therapy
- Serial Image Monitoring For Multiple Pregnancies
Seamless access to other related services
- Fetal echo by Senior Paediatric Cardiology
- Consultation for genetic condition by Senior
- Consultant Clinical Genetist
- Fetal MRI services
- Paediatric Surgical services
- Perinatal Pathology Services
- Cord Blood Banking
- Confinement Home Services
- Lactation Consultation Services
- Antenatal Insurance Advice